Player: Sam
As a child, he was exposed to an experimental robot. For some reason he seemed to remember almost everything the ‘bot did. At 12 he finished his first mechanical creation, a small bug-bot that could jump and detect movement.
Later he became one of the world’s leading robot makers and a pretty good programmer.
6 ft tall. 110 lbs.??? {very trim} Obsessed with Bilver? {this seems like what is written}
Funny and wierd. Wears glasses. He is funny and quick. Fast learner…
Uh, I dunno what else to say.
- Classic bug-bot from childhood “BOB”
- RC camera – handbot “GRAPES”
- Green, special infra-red sensor glasses
- Laptop in bag: Software includes:
- Pictures of home, Wesnoth, GTK-Slashem, Firefox, Robot Notes, mapping, spore, PVZ, Rnd, Mirror Magic.